
About Better Public Service Delivery and Cost Reduction Through Innovative Change Management Processes

Join us at the European Institute of Public Administration.
The seminar is developed in cooperation with the winner of the European Public Sector Award 2015 (EPSA2015), the Youth Protection Amsterdam Region – a certified youth care institution – that initiated an innovative system-wide change process with a strategic focus on value creation for the clients, new network governance, a client focused case management and introduction of new IT support systems. The results achieved in only 5 years are tangible and impressive:

  • reduction of administrative burdens with 75% and;
  • structural societal (on municipality level) cost savings of 30 MEUR.

The seminar is a unique opportunity to learn from the successes of the Youth Protection organisation and to gain practical insight and tools on how to design and manage innovative change processes leading to radical results. The seminar will take place at the premises of the Youth Protection organisation in Amsterdam where participants will learn directly from the management and staff involved in the change processes. Furthermore, participants will experience how redesign of the physical work place can support new organisational work processes.
Participants will be actively involved in the seminar through discussions and and on site case study.

Find out more:

Programme | Online registration | Complete information package (pdf)

Why we hope to meet you at our seminar:

  • You are a change agent or public manager involved in public sector innovation and service delivery;
  • You seek high level reflection with high ranking senior public sector managers and directors from countries like Denmark, Chech Republic, The Netherlands;
  • You are interested in ‘unpolished’ stories and insights from both the Youth Protection Agency Board members and their workers, as well as scholars;
  • You are eager to reflect and share your thoughts on the organisations’ current operations, and organisational change or public sector innovation in general;
  • You want to be part of a start-up high-level reflection community of change agents of public sector innovation;
  • And, in doing so, you will contribute to and profit from a growing sense of urgency for external funding on future seminars on the issue.